Internet Marketing Strategy for New Canadian Business
This is the Conversation Prism, a great tool for planning how to develop your internet marking strategy. I recommend going to a professional expert for help with this type of business strategy. However, one thing that you can do is begin to prepare yourself for what kinds of social media technology suit your business.
In order to do this thoroughly, you will need to know what Social Media is and what types of Social Media are available, and then finally what is the intimate functionality of each type of Social Media so that you can maximize your investment in a particular type and make it work for you. There was a recent article that came out toting the benefits of YELP versus Facebook and Twitter. Yes, a recent article by Business Weekly noted that YELP has the highest level of ROI (Return on Investment). Twitter was rated as nearly no investment return, Facebook’s score wasn’t much better. So in terms of time investment and money, you need to know what strategy, what tool will best work for you and your business in the long-term.