How are you? I hope you are keeping well. Actually I want let you know I got a job on my profession, I’m working for a very large Accounting firm, yes I got a job in my field, it’s around one month. Thanks to your help.
Any way I missed you lot, and hope all goes well for you.
Shahrokh Raked, Iran
Oh I forgot to tell you that I have a cousin who’s coming to Vancouver this summer, he called me last week and I didn’t know that he’s a freelance fashion designer and photographer in San Francisco, I know he’s a nurse by profession but he told me that he has a passion for sewing and designing clothes for women. He was invited by the Vancouver Fashion Design to present a fashion show for summer dresses, but he’s not yet sure where the venue is going to take place but he’s giving me a heads up.. Anyway this is his website: he’s planning to do business here and he doesn’t know how, so I told him that I will let you two meet because you do business advising and counseling. He said he’s happy that I know someone here who does business advising and of course I refer him to you!
Joe Clint, the Philippines
Guess what? I did get that ‘voice over inbound call’ job! Plus the lady was really nice when offering me the pay that I requested. I really appreciate your enthusiasm & work ethic. I wrote a recommendation letter for you. I want to write you a hardcopy letter so that I can highlight what great qualities you have and then sign it for it has more credibility.
Because a promise is a promise & I promised I would!
Ok take care,
Susette Helena, France
Thank you so much for the great referral and for the contact information. You were such a great support to me. I hope things are going well with you. I sent you another message from a different email. Are you still checking it??? Please keep in touch!
Best regards,
Jerry Lin, China
You were a great career advisor and you were a great support and help for me.
Wishing you well.
Sue Sihota, Ontario
I feel guilty to reply your e-mail late. Your explanation is great helpful. For me, there are still a lot of things to learn. We will start the workshop next week. I will e-mail or call you for further help (I am sure that I will need).
Thanks a lot.
Liliane Li, 李苑
Settlement & Integration Worker
CHIMO Crisis Services, Richmond, BC
First of all, thanks for everything, the information and your help it’s very kind of you. I don’t want you to re-write my resume, of course, I only asked you to tell me if you see some mistakes and how I could make it better, maybe I have no explained well. I’m gonna built a new resume and I’ll send you to ask for your opinion, ok? I have sent emails to some branch manager I found in LinkedIn to ask for their information, I wait for their response. I’ll read in detail the attached documents you sent me, they seem very useful.
Thanks. Keep me in your mind.
Hector Recio, Spain
Sorry for not attending your last session anymore, because I have good news, i decided to enroll in a Diploma program at Brighton College as per your recommendation.
I’m taking Architectural Design and Building Technician to upgrade my skills in Auto-cad and learning more about the building code here in BC and to have an edge in applying to any Architectural and Engineering Company here in BC. Thank you for the chance to network with you and i hope that i can find a job as soon as i finish my coarse. I still plan to continue my networking activities as I know this will pay off in future.
Jo Dignadice, The Philippines