Immigration Self-Assessment Name: Email address:* How did you hear about us (if Other, please specify): Internet searchReferralNewspaper advertisementOther Phone number: Country of residency: Title: MaleFemale Age:* Marital status:* ---SingleMarriedEngaged Children (if yes, please tell us how many and how old in "Additional Notes"): YesNo Occupation title and duties (list your occupation(s) in the past 10 years and your main duties):* Work experience (your work experience must be skilled and in the past 10 years. You will earn points for the number of years you have spent in full-time (30 hours per week or 1560 hours per year) paid work.):* Under 1 year1 year2-3 years4-5 years6+ years Education (choose the highest level of completed education):* ---No high schoolHigh schoolTwo-year or longer post-secondary credentialThree-year or longer post-secondary credentialMasters degreeDoctoral level What is the name of your degree or area of specialty in education (e.g. Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering):* How many years of formal education (this includes elementary/primary school, secondary/high school, university/college, trade school, or other post secondary school):* Age of spouse (if applicable): Occupation title and duties of spouse (if applicable, list their occupation(s) in the past 10 years and their main duties): Education of spouse (if applicable, choose the highest level of completed education): ---No high schoolHigh schoolTwo-year or longer post-secondary credentialThree-year or longer post-secondary credentialTwo or more post-secondary credentials (one should be three years or longer)Masters degreeDoctoral level What is the name of your spouse's degree or area of specialty in education (e.g. Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering): How many years of formal education does your spouse have (this includes elementary/primary school, secondary/high school, university/college, trade school, or other post secondary school): Arranged employment (is there a company in Canada that wants to hire you?)* Yes (if yes, please describe below under Additional Notes)No Relative in Canada (you or your accompanying spouse have a relative above 18 years old, parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, niece, or nephew who is residing in Canada and is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident):* YesNo Previous work or study in Canada (you or your accompanying spouse have completed a minimum of one year of full-time work or study in Canada):* YesNo Additional notes (if you have any comments or concerns, please share with us): Canadian immigration consultation (are you interested in a consultation in person/skype/phone):* YesNo Enter the code:*